Graphic Data Transfer -

Important Information for your File Configuration


It is our objective to provide you with trade-fair artwork of optimum quality. For this purpose, we have
drafted a guideline with information and specifications on the configuration and compilation
of your data files. In case your artwork is prepared by an grafic designer, we kindly ask you to forward these

guidelines to your business partner.



There are basically two file formats:


Vector graphics:
These imprint a surface by means of geometric data. Vector
graphics can be enlarged as required without loss of quality and
are thus ideally suited for film/foils and any kind of printed matter.
Raster graphics:
These consist of pixels and are unsuitable for film/foils. The quality
depends essentially on the resolution of the original file. File

enlargement capability is limited.


This is how we need your graphic data:
Colours saved in CMYK mode
Transparent artwork must be flattened
Text and fonts converted to paths / outlines
Fills and strokes should NOT be set to “Overprint”
Images should be embedded and also flattened
No embedded colour profile
Original size resolution: min. 72 dpi

No bleed


We will accept the following file formats:
Photoshop: EPS, high-resolution JPG, TIF
Illustrator: AI, EPS
Acrobat PDF: print PDF
MS Office files cannot be used for artwork.
If you have .cdr files please have them exported to .eps.
Additional information:
So that we can best reproduce your corporate identity colour values, we need accurate colour
information, e.g. HKS, Pantone or RAL values. Or you can send us a master colour proof. If no
hardproof is provided, the exact colour reproduction cannot be guaranteed.
Font spacing:
For large-format printing, fonts must have a sufficiently wide margin to the border. Especially for
banner production with hemstitch seam and eyelets, enough margin space is required so the print
does not spread across it.